About swans and the future

Every day we work for a better environment. Here is a summary of how we work every day to make a swan and help the climate.

  • Reduce energy consumption

  • Reduce water consumption

  • Increase the proportion of organic food & drink

  • Increase the proportion of plant-based food

  • Use environmentally friendly chemicals

  • Make environmentally conscious purchases

  • Reduce food waste & unsorted waste

  • Train & involve employees

The fact that the majority of our guests, thanks to our central location, choose to take public transport to us makes the whole thing even better!

For the sake of safety

With our own secure wireless internet connections, we ensure that all information, both that which is communicated here on site and that which is on your computer, is secure.
We also do everything to make our guests feel safe. Of course, we have a guarded luggage room, lockable hangers and easily accessible clear evacuation signs. We have a defibrillator for which our staff is trained. Of course, all staff have training in first aid, as well as our defibrillator, which is clearly visible in the conference reception.
The World Trade Center has two manned exterior reception areas. They help visitors and guests properly and ensure that no unauthorized persons pass.
Our guards patrol the house both day and night and can immediately get in touch with the police or other competent authority.

This seal confirms that during the past year World Trade Center Stockholm has completed all stages and meets all safety requirements in the Swedish Meetings' safety certification.


Accessible for everyone

World Trade Center Stockholm's ambition is that the facility should be accessible to everyone. All conference areas can be reached via elevators and most of our toilets are accessible for people with disabilities. The entrances into conference rooms are suitable for wheelchairs, and we have ramps up to the stage where there are level differences. All of our larger rooms also have induction loops.

» Read abour our enviromental policy here.

» Read about our recycling routines at www.logistikbolaget.se